18Friends 7Fans
female Milwaukee, WI, United States
I am a mommy to many. My daughter who is 4, my step son who is 10 and my foster son who is 21. I also have two boxers Bella who is 1 and Beau who is 5 months. I have a house full. I been with my S/O for 8 years. I have a very very bad addiction to sh
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 6
hello guys. How is everybody today
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 6
Sunday is the 7th anniversary to my 25th Birthday. The count down to getting older started Sunday. :-)
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago
how was everybody's weekend and monday
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 3
good afternoon people
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 1
I want to leave work now. I have a tone to do but I am not doing it. So why should i be here.
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 2
bitches in the office got lunch and forgot me again
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 8
Hi ladies.
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 2
mmmm mmmm good soup
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago
Is it lunch time yet I want to eat my soup
1tattooedmama says
16 years ago 5
I am sick yet at work. It hurts my head to cough. (sick)