飯² ♥ⓥⓘⓞⓛⓐ
35Friends 25Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
飯² ♥ⓥⓘⓞⓛⓐ
11 years ago 5
long time no see... 久しぶり。
飯² ♥ⓥⓘⓞⓛⓐ
13 years ago 4
yap☆autumn, my season is comin~ (smile) hope everythin goes on the right way n becomes better!!!
cool..today is taiwanese calendar: 99(year)/9(month)/9(date).. "9" means "long", wish everyone a lovely life for long :-)
new housemate, a korean girl is gna come here this friday. hope to get along well w/ her...
what a fool i am... :-P
when can i stop coughing...
incredibly sleepy.....zzzzz
飯² ♥ⓥⓘⓞⓛⓐ
14 years ago 1
啊~ 突然懷念起台灣的火車~ 好想來個火車旅行唷~ ♪