15Friends 45Fans
female MI, United States
I am a friendly, fun loving person and love to talk about history and music. I am also engaged to my wonderful fiance Albert :-)
Sara is
15 years ago 4
cleaning and organizing my closet
Sara is
15 years ago 1
currently making beef stew in the slowcooker. By the time i get off work it will be done :-))
Sara is
15 years ago 1
so excited! Al got my computer hooked up and the internet thingy he got for it works! YAY! :-D
Sara is
15 years ago
exhausted. Good Night!
Sara is
15 years ago
just about to leave for work, but I feel like crawling under the covers and sleeping instead LOL
Sara is
15 years ago
going to go do dishes, and then maybe take a bath
Sara wonders
15 years ago 2
if my fiance will be able to hook up my computer tonight (thinking)
Sara is
15 years ago
still full after a late lunch of sweet and sour chicken (mmm)
Sara is
15 years ago
having country chicken chowder for dinner (when it's done in the slowcooker)
Sara is
15 years ago
outside feeding the blue jays peanuts with Mom