15Friends 45Fans
female MI, United States
I am a friendly, fun loving person and love to talk about history and music. I am also engaged to my wonderful fiance Albert :-)
Sara is
15 years ago 2
going up to my *new* home to retire for the evening. Good Night! (bye)
Sara is
15 years ago 2
getting tired of lugging stuff up and down those stairs... (gym)
Sara is
15 years ago 16
moving upstairs with the fiance asap :-))
Sara is
15 years ago 1
eating Ben and Jerry's Pistachio Pistachio (mmm)
Sara is
15 years ago 5
so excited! I got so much done today! :-D
Sara feels
15 years ago 4
bad for my fiance. He found out last night one of his cousins died.
Sara is
15 years ago
relaxing after brunch :-)
Sara is
15 years ago 1
going to take a shower, then watch tv with Sis :-)
Sara is
15 years ago
home on break for a minute and exhausted
Sara is
15 years ago 5
really happy. We picked up the kithcen table and chairs today,(we'll be assembling them tonight) and we are getting our bed on Monday :-D