how do you link to people in your plurkk? I just realized I have no clue, and the FAQ gives me no love on that matter.
finally finished a rewatch of Eureka S1 and S2, and can start the new season tomorrow. Soon you'll be able to talk to me about it, schulman.
how the Giant Eagle brand garbage bags seem to disintegrate when pulled out of the can.
saved a knitting project that she'd thought lost. What a relief.
to rip back a sweater to before an error. The most annoying part of knitting.
had one of those evenings with her car. And it still has to be towed tomorrow; the nice tow-driver didn't want to leave it out in the rain.
going to a Pirates game. Let's hope it's not one of *those* nights.
having a day of great successes.
never liked the Pirates' red shirt uniforms. They look like they're Star Trek victims-in-waiting.
this cold front that has moved through is the Best Thing Ever, and makes up for the lack of cookies. Good sleeping weather!