3Friends 3Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I'm a geek. Also, I love popular culture.
vanessafine wants
16 years ago
a cookie, and may even deserve one.
vanessafine thinks
16 years ago 5
there's nothing like a root canal at 7:45am on a Monday to start your week off right.
vanessafine says
16 years ago
again it is Social Networking Sunday. Adding LinkedIn contacts; maybe Facebook later.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
having blueberry pancakes this morning. What a good husband I have.
16 years ago
I have already accomplished my whole to-do list for the weekend. I don't know if that makes me virtuous or if I set my goals badly.
16 years ago
had an all-CSA meal and feels virtuous for it.
vanessafine thinks
16 years ago
she should be doing some work on the sweater she's knitting, but doesn't feel capable of the required math.
vanessafine has
16 years ago
a code freeze a week from Friday. It seems daunting at this juncture.
16 years ago
finds that there is nothing like a toothache to make you hate all of humanity.
vanessafine is
16 years ago
rewatching Alias and falling in love all over again.