36Friends 19Fans
female Milton Freewater, OR, United States
Fear conforms, Love transforms! author unknown

With each breath you have the opportunity to start over, so take one in and smile on the exhale, it will be okay!!!! author unknown

HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 5
Hi all! Quick fly by before I set up my booth this morning!! hope you are all having an absolutely fantabulous day!!!
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago
(wave)Night all (cozy)
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 9
Hi everyone!! I'm at the Lostine OR market it is always held over the 4th, it's been the 1st -4th the last 2 yrs
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 3
Morning everyone! Hope you are having a super fantastic day!! (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) Hugs to all!
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 3
Good morning everyone!! Hope you are all having a great day! (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) Hugs to all
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 3
Hi all!! Hope you all are having a great day or great night!!! (cozy) Hugs to all!
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 5
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 2
Hello everyone! Hope you all are having an absolutely fabulous today!
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago
Night all (cozy)
HeartsDesign says
12 years ago 4
Hi all!! Hope everyone is having a great day!! (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) BIG HUGS to all who need them!!