I swear, waking up at 8 AM in a coffee shop with wifi on your laptop up to 2 PM is just a great day. It has to be!
I haven't bloghopped in yeaaaaaars.
The AkoMismo dogtags I ordered happened to be fake. Good thing I'll get a hundred percent refund!
nanonood ng Aga-Kristine movie. Putangena.
watching One More Chance with friends. Pota, maganda ba to?
Watching a Rico-Claudine movie with friends. Mushy much.
eating cookies right now, hahahah
dloading "Manipulator", an album by Shiela and the Insects. Fuckyeah.
Just emptied a White Chocolate Walnut-flavored Popcorn in my pestfriend's house. I want moooore!