26Friends 60Fans
female Kuta, Indonesia
Lee Donghae
My Everything
usaarista says
12 years ago
the hardest part in life is trying to hide the tears that won't stop
usaarista says
13 years ago
everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself
usaarista says
13 years ago
people always want something they can't have, not being able to have something makes you want it even more
usaarista says
13 years ago
life is what happens to you right now, while you are reading this. Thats you. Thats life
usaarista says
13 years ago
being on top of the world doesn't mean anything unless you know what it's like to be at the bottom
usaarista says
13 years ago
a friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself
usaarista says
13 years ago
sometimes you must get weak to realize you are strong
usaarista says
13 years ago
anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
usaarista says
13 years ago
when you're hurt, you've got two choices: you can either sit and cry, or spread your wings and fly
usaarista says
13 years ago
the best gift a guy can give to his girlfriend: his time, his attention, and his love