18Friends 57Fans
female Pancoran, Indonesia
patient, laugh constantly and never stop smiling no matter how strange life is.
Life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.

Katy Perry - Unconditionally (Official)
upla says
14 years ago
Before you say “FML” (FuckMyLife) remember that there are other people out there who have it worse than you do. -Danelle
upla says
14 years ago
"I'm tired of waiting for you. I want to leave, but something about you keeps pulling me back in."
upla says
14 years ago
"Don't think too much. Just stop, close your eyes, and follow your heart. I guarantee you it knows the way." -Unknown
upla says
14 years ago
"It's either you love me, or you don’t. So make up your mind."
upla says
14 years ago
Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. -Dr.Seuss
upla says
14 years ago
time to go home (LOL)
upla says
14 years ago
upla says
14 years ago
okay...time to go...have fun go mad (dance)
upla says
14 years ago
berangkat ke X2 gak yach mlm ini?? (thinking) ada yg mau nemenin??
upla is
14 years ago
stop complaining & comparing...face it and enjoyy (LOL)