18Friends 39Fans
female Medan, Indonesia
I'm weird,complicated,a bit twisted,imaginative (sometimes),moody and .. stuff.I also curse a lot.If you got a problem with that,I don't care,quite frankly.


Ain't nothing fancy,but feel free to drop by.
unee is
16 years ago
watching " Vicky Cristina Barcelona ". Oh yeeaaahh !!! PS : Johansson is beautiful in it *haha,biar dikira lines trus disindir2*
unee wishes
16 years ago 7
people would stop acting tacky.Use sarcasm where it's needed.Kalo ga tau make'nya,ga usah dipake.
unee wonders
16 years ago 6
apakah karena tehnologi,orang2 jadi mikir kalo mau nyampein sesuatu itu lebih baik lewat tehnologi juga ? Biar semua orang tau gituh...
unee is
16 years ago
going to see " Vicky Cristina Barcelona " later on ! Woody Allen, I'm comiiinnggg !! (dance)
unee says
16 years ago
tadi sempet nonton OSHIN (main lagi) di TVRI !! (dance)
unee asks
16 years ago 2
selain blogspot,wp,live journal,apalagi blog yang okeh ( dan free juga pastinya )...?
unee feels
16 years ago
berantakan hari ini..... :-(
unee is
16 years ago 6
looking for a name for a girl. Any ideas ???
unee shares
16 years ago
94th... Not that anybody cares. I'm just bored.
unee says
16 years ago 2
g'morning.. * masih ngantuk * (tears)