100Friends 72Fans
male Melbourne, Australia
www.thesixtyone.com/unclefesta/ - Unclefesta: Techno DJ, Steampunk, SF fan, watercolourist, gardener, TCM practitioner, IT consultant, Orthodox Christian priest, Gestalt psychotherapist, medievalist, father of 2, husband of 1 since '80.
unclefesta has
14 years ago 7
been watching all the Libya tweets and livestream which is why i haven't been on plurk! It's like 1989 all over again.
unclefesta feels
14 years ago 26
a bit strange- a bit like a 50 year old mini/second mid-life transition. The first was ok, but this feels different. Not a crisis more a
unclefesta thinks
14 years ago 5
we're seeing an amazing Egyptian people's movement that will be like the fall of the Berlin wall!
unclefesta is
14 years ago 58
really enjoying new music- the Professors: old.thesixtyone.com/thep...
unclefesta says
14 years ago 7
hello in Syriac <syr>ܫܠܳܡܳ ܠܳܚ</syr> to all my friends
unclefesta is
14 years ago 8
actually here today, marking exams.
unclefesta is
14 years ago 8
not going to Egypt, but Sydney instead
unclefesta has
14 years ago 16
been AWOL due a Syriac beginners intensive language course. By the time it's finished either my brains will be leaking out my ears or ...
unclefesta thinks
14 years ago 8
this is not a good Egypt trip time :-(
unclefesta shares
14 years ago 19
the floods over here are terrible but not anywhere near as bad as Sri Lanka :-( 800,000 people there affected.