178Friends 46Fans
male Houston, TX, United States
Social media worker. Werd nerd. I write things at uberdev.com
uberdev is
16 years ago
off to aikido. for a vacation day, today was obnoxiously busy.
uberdev is
16 years ago 2
working on a golf project.
uberdev hopes
16 years ago 5
this doesn't happen to plurk: twitter.com/mariismith/s...
uberdev is
16 years ago 2
eating trail mix with m and m's. nothing more confusing than the combination of salt and sugar
uberdev is
16 years ago 5
waking up with a messed up shoulder, 4 day old headache, pain in my fingers, and a paycheck for some web work. somewhere there is balance
uberdev is
16 years ago 3
can't believe i'm up so early and working on a saturday morning. hello world
uberdev is
16 years ago 5
working on a site and making progress....waaahhoooo!!
uberdev says
16 years ago
yayyy!!! i left the office so i could come home and do more work. wahhoooooo
uberdev says
16 years ago 1
wow, haven't plurked in a while. mind is numb. sensei enjoyed twisting arms and folding legs. plurk, i have reached nirvana, ask sensei
uberdev is
16 years ago
working on a project that involves online learning