178Friends 46Fans
male Houston, TX, United States
Social media worker. Werd nerd. I write things at uberdev.com
uberdev says
16 years ago 6
just noticed that if someone plurks in a foreign language, qualifiers for that plurk are in that language regardless of your own settings.
uberdev asks
16 years ago 15
how many microblogs do you use?
uberdev is
16 years ago
thinking about a contest to launch a new site with
uberdev wishes
16 years ago 4
for his head to not feel like a bowling alley
uberdev wishes
16 years ago
you could send private plurks from the mobile site...
uberdev says
16 years ago 4
coolest difference about themes between plurk and twitter? plurk lets you share :-D
uberdev asks
16 years ago 3
are you going to customize your plurk page if you are over 25 karma points?
uberdev shares
16 years ago
replurk konstantino: look at my plurk theme! www.plurk.com/installDes...
uberdev is
16 years ago 1
working in his sleep again...
uberdev asks
16 years ago 3
does anyone else need monday to hurry up and end? :-D