17Friends 6Fans
female Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Hello, I'm ティマー [Tymah]
arigatou gozaimasu for visited my plurk.. ;-)

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12 years ago
IPK msh dpertanyakan, kata x blum slse.... berharap d atas 3.00~ lebih~ & lebih~ hehe.. ameen yra
12 years ago
PTS MU udh 62 ya~ Barcelona 59 klo kga salah liat .-.
12 years ago
Get some rest, sleep well :*
12 years ago
Good night world~ I am so tired :-)
12 years ago
And so I wake in the morning.. And I step outside.. And I take a deep breath and I get real high.. And I scream from the top of my lungs.. What's going on?
12 years ago
And so I cry sometimes.. When I'm lying in bed.. Just to get it all out.. What's in my head.. And I, I am feeling a little peculiar..
12 years ago
I realized quicly when I knew I should.. That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man.. For whatever that means..
12 years ago
eighteen years I'm alive here still.. trying to get up that great big hill of hope.. for a destination..
tymyagami says
12 years ago
i need u when i go down~ it's not about being mature, ego-ing each other, or else. It's about solidarity or perhaps understand each other.
tymyagami says
12 years ago
why people i like always leave me like this?