55Friends 15Fans
female General Santos City, Philippines
A blog addict.
A blogger layout designer.
A photoshop whore.
A nocturnal earthling.
A digi scrapper.
A trying hard writer.
A frustrated singer.

My site:
Tchellini is
15 years ago 1
watching Rocky Balboa (woot)
15 years ago 10
RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! (dance) (dance) (dance)
Tchellini says
15 years ago 2
my first day of back to working in the hospital and it was TOXIC! :'-( :-&
Tchellini is
15 years ago
knackered. Had a toxic shift at the hospital this morning. Didn't even have time to eat breakfast and lunch. (tears) (tears)
Tchellini is
15 years ago
awake! (woot)
Tchellini is
15 years ago 6
going to bed...need to wake up at 4am..morning shift in the hospital tom! 6am..whoa! :-&
Tchellini is
15 years ago 1
home. Was out all day. Dead tired. :-& :-&
Tchellini is
15 years ago 2
sleepy but don't want to. (: (: (:
Tchellini is
15 years ago 1
(hungry) breakfast time!!
Tchellini says
15 years ago
somebody woke me up. I wasn't expecting his call so early in the morning. (woot) He was probably bored and needed someone to bug. (annoyed)