67Friends 1Fans
female Southport, Great Britain (UK)
I used to teach Blender in SL, good times!

IRL I work in the games industry as a producer, public speaker and games accessibility consultant (won awards too!)
3 years ago
Had my 2nd vaccination today, fingers crossed this really does the long covid in and I can go back to being normal levels of tired. Also can't wait to see if it lowers my seizure threshold again like it did with the first one, really wanna emphasise a piss stain on my sisters living room carpet.
3 years ago 31 @Edit 3 years ago
I am dropping by with my top tips on how to survive the world when you have Autism/ADHD/other neurodiverse conditions/mental health issues that make concentration/executive function a fuckin challenge and a half. - Feel free to retweet and add your own tips :-D
3 years ago
3 years ago 3
Vaccine went like a dream, took 2 seconds, everyone there was so friendly and nice, hooray!
3 years ago 3
Wooo! It's jab day (AZ/Oxford)! Hopefully this helps my long Covid because I can handle fibro fatigue cause it comes with pain to tell me when to stop - long Covid fatigue is like having your car running on fumes, feels like I'm trying to get to the next petrol station to fill up 10p's worth.
4 years ago 5
I did my 20 hours of work this week, and I'll be honest with you, covid fatigue makes fibro fatigue pale in comparison, holy shit. I fell asleep when I got home after only a 4 hour shift, and having more than 8 hours sleep before I got up for work. No amount of sleep makes me feel rested, and my sister has the same thing too, she's only 21.
4 years ago
I don't want to go to work today, it is raining and my joints are a n g r y about it.
4 years ago 3
going to have some battles with work and reasonable adjustments I think, but we shall see. it's more exhausting than it's ever been, covid fatigue is a complex beast, but I can do it. I hate my job but it's a job. I can do it.
4 years ago 3
because I cant smell and I have mild incontinence (can't hold anything in my bladder for long) I was paranoid that I smell of wee, today was my first time out in 12 days and I am no longer bothered as there were people who smelled so strongly of piss that it made my smell come back just for that odour. thanks Loughborough!
4 years ago 9
Day 8 of isolation due to being riddled with Covid, and I'm almost back to normal, if normal is almost zero taste and smell, with the worlds most sore throat and a general fatigue that won't sod off.