246Friends 91Fans
male Jogyakarta, Indonesia
I am a man... I like do PE... I like biking, swiming, playing badminton, playing ping-pong....
sprinterJARWO bilang
13 years ago 7
WAH jogja is getting hotter and hotter T.T I will take a bath three times for this day!!!!!
sprinterJARWO bilang
13 years ago
we must concern to the process not to the purpose
sprinterJARWO berbagi
13 years ago 1
new sign of us https://images.plurk.com/e182399a4fa825e713c836569e7adb0a.jpg
sprinterJARWO bilang
13 years ago
ada gak ya yang mau jadi volentier.. jadi temanku mengambil data??
sprinterJARWO pikir
13 years ago 9
ASEM.. barlulus langsung nglamar ok piyeh si D**U.. T.T pengen
sprinterJARWO suka
13 years ago 11
doakan saya ya teman-teman... esok semoga jadi langkah yang mendekatkanku untuk membahagiakan keluargaku
sprinterJARWO berbagi
13 years ago 16
yang TLD -7 mohon disimak.. heheh ^^
sprinterJARWO berbagi
13 years ago
it's more than meeting.. it is the begining.. let's join for healtier 07 "gowes for the future
sprinterJARWO tadi
13 years ago 1
bersepeda bersama reno imam yoga jarbut zizdon hekekkeke
sprinterJARWO bilang
13 years ago 3
yes, you are the secret name... ^^ you are my first love.. altough we are not together... you have been being a part of my story..