11Friends 16Fans
female Bellingham, WA, United States
tru thinks
15 years ago 3
plurkfight! anybody... post a quote from your bookgroup books that describes LIFE, :-D
tru wonders
15 years ago
what kind of plurks people will have to do. (unsure)
tru wonders
15 years ago 3
what we'll watch in class today...
tru feels
15 years ago
(angry) when it comes to ice and snow but she really wants to feel like (dance) when it comes to bellingham weather!
tru loves
15 years ago
that her karma goes up but hates that it goes down when u miss a day... its addicting getting high karma pts. !!
tru is
15 years ago 1
trying to figure out where the sun went! by the way it'll rain tommorow everyone... so the weatherman says
tru is
15 years ago
thinking of what else to say in plurk... it'll come
tru asks
15 years ago 1
(dance)if their is anything after the banana and when do you see it? (dance)
tru needs
15 years ago
to try and work on econ a little bit harder... even though it is pretty boring!
tru will
15 years ago 1
not read FILTH at the gym... tried, got funny looks