116Friends 114Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
WoW player-- Dreadmaul
Gundam Collector
Med Guy
Dan says
12 years ago
When you come to a wall you can either climb it or you can simply walk around until you find a door.
Don't make life hard,look for the doors
Dan says
12 years ago 2
It happened..... again
Dan says
12 years ago 1
‎1% chance. Even if there is only 1% chance of succeeding or getting something you want. Would you still go for it? Would you still risk it?
Dan says
12 years ago 1
Nakakaasar na nakakalungkot na nakakabobo na ewan.
Dan is
12 years ago
watching legend of korra ep 2. :-)
Dan says
12 years ago 1
Off to rockwell in a while :-) then GB afterwards, then Moa para sa 3DS.
Dan says
12 years ago
Dan says
12 years ago
Too sweet.
Dan says
12 years ago
Di na ko nagpopost dito ah, puros basa basa lang
Dan says
12 years ago
Lol. Maraming pakialamero talaga sa mundo.