3Friends 3Fans
female San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
I like doing experiments and reading silly novels, and tossing my hair, and cooking you food.
trickybusiness hates
16 years ago
waking up uber late
trickybusiness wants
16 years ago 2
coffee like there's no tomorrow
trickybusiness asks
16 years ago 2
what an appropriate Kindergarten graduation gift is...
trickybusiness asks
16 years ago 3
what shall i have for lunch today?
trickybusiness shares
16 years ago 2
her cocktail with her chachas (woot)
trickybusiness thinks
16 years ago 7
we should get more chachas on this business. It's fun!
trickybusiness is
16 years ago 1
considering the possibilities for the evening. Old standby of cocktails and pjs or shall i go find an Australian and a church?
trickybusiness is
16 years ago 1
excited about her aerial dance class!
trickybusiness says
16 years ago 2
the perfect snack is a margarita, of course! silly natalie... ;-)
trickybusiness is
16 years ago
performing business that is tricky, of course!