6Friends 10Fans
male Chantilly, VA, United States
transitionpete says
13 years ago
watched "The Help
transitionpete says
13 years ago
family movie night = Papa John's pizza + "Dolphin Tale"
transitionpete says
13 years ago
nuts! Ash & I find ourselves kidless for a bit this afternoon, but the timing to watch a flick doesn't work out. sigh
transitionpete says
13 years ago
bankrupt! I just got obliterated by my kid and wife playing #monopoly (hello kitty style)!
transitionpete says
13 years ago
Sherlock Holmes 2... much better than the first!
transitionpete says
13 years ago
chocolate cake. vanilla ice cream. #ftw
transitionpete says
13 years ago
my nose is so stopped up, i haven't been able to taste a thing all day! #bland
transitionpete says
13 years ago
oh geez -- there are oh so many holiday deals everywhere! ya gotta SPEND money to SAVE money, right? ***NOT!!!***
transitionpete says
13 years ago
there is nothing like looking up in your #rearviewmirror to witness an attractive woman #diggingforgold in the "privacy" of her car! o_0
transitionpete says
13 years ago
got my Ooma set up and running at home... let's see if we can't save us some $$ this upcoming year!