3Friends 1Fans
12 years ago 46
masa iya gue suka om2???
12 years ago 53
to me you're just some faggy, YOU AINT GOT NO SOUL POWER! *ngomong sama bantal
12 years ago
for all the dreams that wings could fly
totorooo says
12 years ago 12
dibales pm nya di kaskus itu rasanya... :-D
totorooo says
12 years ago 4
baca arsip chat ym yang dulu itu rasanya.... :-(
totorooo is
12 years ago 2
watching the girl who leapt through time (Toki o kakeru shôjo) :-D
totorooo says
12 years ago 3
efek marathon nonton film2 studio ghibli
totorooo says
12 years ago
if i had one wish granted then i'd like to have a half of hayao miyazaki's imagination, half is moreeeee than enough
12 years ago 3
minum susu yeah!!
12 years ago 3
"you can waste your lives drawing lines or you can live your life crossing them"