18Friends 695Fans
female Makati, Philippines
Though winds of change are throwing wild and free, you ain't seen nothing like me yet.
tomaato says
15 years ago
Last 4 left. I want FRIDAAAAAY already.
tomaato says
15 years ago
Here we go, here we go, here we go again.
tomaato was
15 years ago
reminded of Trig's and Geom's values last night while watching GI Joe. Greatness @-)
tomaato says
15 years ago
Malapit naaaa @-)
tomaato says
15 years ago
It's those little things that I accidentally stumble on that I appreciate the most. || "Hey, Hello." I'll definitely miss this warmth :-))
tomaato says
15 years ago 5
Isaac O. 's sleeping over.
tomaato says
15 years ago
I wish it were simple, but we'd give up easily.
tomaato says
15 years ago 13
I asked Mum to buy black, blue and white acrylic paint. She came home with cans of red, yellow, and green :| :| :|
tomaato says
15 years ago
Work, work, work :-D
tomaato says
15 years ago
REST. Time to reflect, ponder ...and sleep.