19Friends 155Fans
male Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Novelist, playwright, and poet.

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tmcamp says
12 years ago
I'm not entirely certain why they cast a flukeworm as Bane, but I am still looking forward to the new Batman movie.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Ugh. Summer heat is my green kryptonite.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Up since 2AM. Apparently my summer insomnia has returned.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Beer and wings and Prometheus with my father-in-law. All of it's in 3D. Yay.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Elton John was wrong: Friday night is not all right for fighting.
Also, if you hold a tiny dancer too close she'll get all smooshed.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Settling in to write. I should be editing but... No. I just can't be sure this story will be here when I come back to it.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Making homemade gazpacho and fried chicken today, based on recipe's from James Beard's American Cookery
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Went to the grocery store with my teenage daughter this evening. I spoke like The Tick the entire time. Fun (for me).
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Standing outside, enjoying the lovely cool morning air. Then a bird pooped on my hand. I'm done with you, Nature.
tmcamp says
12 years ago
Started writing something new tonight -- well, I began a couple of weeks ago but it needed a fresh start.
We'll see...