5Friends 2Fans
female Lima, Peru
Just a girl who likes Star Wars, tea, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tokusatsu, J-fashion and RP.

If you're interested in doing a PSL, feel free to add me!


Sucrose - Active
Ayaka Kamisato - Voice testing
Road Kamelot - C
2 years ago 1
I don't want to but I think I'll be dropping Fischl but finding a new game for her. I'm not having fun with her. And finding a game for Sucrose too
2 years ago
Finally getting my repaired Switch back. Also, exchanging a faulty PS4 controller.
2 years ago
I want to play an adult character, but then look at my fandoms. I don't feel confidant enough to play any of them. Need to look into more series.
2 years ago
My power went out again last night. Just us and ugh I'm just done with that. The house is back with power but not turning on the lights is annoying.
2 years ago
It is 6am. WHY AM I AWAKE? But my half asleep mind tells me to shop for games for Sucrose and Fischl.

Ayaka come home so I can RP you. (p-tears)
2 years ago
I wonder what it says that once I would do my Genshin dailies like clockwork. But I just go in 15 minutes and done. I don't think it's burn out but boredom. I still love it but now it's just the characters. I still want to do closet cosplay of a few characters
3 years ago
Fucking carpal tunnel. I can use my hands. Note to everyone if you're learning how to weild a lightsaber and constantly typing. Take breaks. Ow. My wrists are better but my god. I'm old enough to know better from my martial arts days
3 years ago
I believe my migraine is trying to make contemplate my life choices. Not that I regret anything, but I feel that this is a response for something. Probably going outside in the sun. Ugh go away and let me be productive
3 years ago 2
D&D night. Can't wait. We left on a cliffhanger. I told my DM, whom I adore mind you and meant this in the best way possible, You BITCH WHY? THAT'S MY DAD'S HORN. I play a Tiefling but aaaah excitement.