Tina Marie
26Friends 1Fans
male Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Hi, I'm Tina Marie, I am 3 years old, I love my family and run/own The Kids Circus Mall with Silver.
Tina Marie says
12 years ago 7
Been in Hospital with pneumonia, but am back home now, missed you all! Doing a lot better.
Tina Marie
12 years ago 2
Tina Marie Meiler (dragonflu) sticks her tongue out and blabbers at you
Tina Marie
12 years ago 5
You know, I am more interested in seeing plurks and responding to them than actually posting plurks! :-)
Tina Marie
12 years ago 5
missed everyone, glad to be back :-)
Tina Marie wishes
12 years ago
everyone a Merry Christmas, I cant afford gifts for everyone so accept my love and lots and lots of huggies! :-)
Tina Marie shares
12 years ago 4
k, so now 5 inches of snow so far and it still coming :-( will it stop?!?!
Tina Marie shares
13 years ago 5
Isn't this cute? Madddddddddie, Caydence and Dixxie
Tina Marie shares
13 years ago 5
My brother said the f word in front of mommy and got a spanking for it!
Tina Marie shares
13 years ago 4
It's so nice when u big brudders pway dwess up wif u!!!!
Tina Marie says
13 years ago 3
stop touching yourself dixxie!