10Friends 8Fans
female Hong Kong
My tastes are simple; I am easily satisfied with the best. - Winston Churchill

荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
voted. Only can see one or two people voting there.
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
雖然要河蟹肉 但我們從小到大都被灌輸要盡公民責任 怎麼忽然變了? 順服以外 不公義的事要站起來!
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
哈哈 真開心 今日又有人估我嘅年紀比我真實年輕8年!yeah!!
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
Buon Giorgno~~
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
雨下得很大 幸好今天穿了一雙舊鞋子出門https://images.plurk.com/3529997_592b91bda03251eeb56fe656ce3c7d72.jpg
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
Mama I love you! Tante amore!!
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
等車只15分鐘 已經2粒蚊癱!!
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
yeah!! Sang Cum Santo successfully!!~
荔枝枝 says
14 years ago
go to c doc now! :-(