276Friends 139Fans
male Clarksville, TN, United States
Hi Pleeps,

Thoughtwrong is baaaack! I am the former creator of MyPleeps, and former promoter of Plurk.

I'm on my way to a timeline near prepared!
ThoughtWrong says
16 years ago 9
Pleepline tonight - Starts in 15 - We won't be talking about much....just **Plurk** ! (woot)
ThoughtWrong says
16 years ago 2
don't forget guys, Pleepline starts in a litle under 1 hour B-) 8PM ET 7PM CT
ThoughtWrong is
16 years ago 12
fustrated with office depot. Gimme my money back already!
ThoughtWrong is
16 years ago 3
up late tonight. Go Figure!
ThoughtWrong will
16 years ago 43
appreciate any tips on public speaking from his pleeps. *umm...don't say imagine audience in their underwear...Yuch*
ThoughtWrong says
16 years ago 24
(bye) hello all you Joe Pleeps out there. (unsure) Wonder what this one is about?
ThoughtWrong feels
16 years ago 23
his heart beating out of his chest knowing that he will be speaking at barcamp this weekend. :-))
ThoughtWrong will
16 years ago 5
order out some lunch now and play some GTA4 (rock) *warning, I have a XBox 360 now. Please dont hate me for taking a break from Plurk* B-)
ThoughtWrong has
16 years ago 22
been busy busy busy. After we returned my computer we ended up buyinmg a 32 inch LCD TV and an XBox 360 and I set it all up and tested it.
ThoughtWrong says
16 years ago 8
hey pleeps, I may not make it to PlurkTALK tonight as am going to return my PC and shop a bit...I will try and make it towards the end....