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thomascrampton says
14 years ago
RT adriancheok: Study shows tweeting gives same oxytocin hormonal spike as getting married.
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
Fast forward: The digital gadgets on which we now depend have already begun rewiring our brains via adriancheok
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
Broadband is now a citizen's right in Finland:
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
w00t! just got my copy of Zilch by nancylublin of dosomething about how to run a business with no money. Looking forward to reading it!
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
Flickr photos of the #360di summit in Hong Kong:
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
#360di in a floating restaurant in a Hong Kong harbor, but we installed wifi that rocks!
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
RT johnstauffer: For more on the science of influence, check out jbell99 's amazon reading list #360di
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
RT bdgiesen: jbell99 says #ogilvy #360di is in 27 countries, 7 timezones
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
Planned in order to keep everyone focused on work! RT ackabr: OMG HK has been raining for almost 40hrs in total #360di
thomascrampton says
14 years ago
RT temhansen: Here we go! Back live again. "Driving business impact with Social Media" - John Bell (#360di live at )