23Friends 14Fans
female San Antonio, TX, United States
Foster/Adopt Social worker, Foster/Adopt Parent, knitter, dog lover..all around arts n crafty
Amberdinni is
16 years ago 6
really frustrated why is there more month left than money? this getting paid at the first of the month sucks ass
Amberdinni says
16 years ago 9
i love having new people in the office. they will do anything to keep from being bored!
Amberdinni says
16 years ago 6
i just found out my supervisor is younger than me...and i am the youngest in the office <sigh>
Amberdinni says
16 years ago 2
i need to spend more time on plurk and less time working
Amberdinni says
16 years ago
hello plurkville..been a day or three since i have been around
Amberdinni says
16 years ago 4
god my dang karma is going down
Amberdinni says
16 years ago
Go Team USA... Go Michael Phelps!!!
Amberdinni says
16 years ago
my toast is in the mail!
Amberdinni says
16 years ago 5
i am working on my toast and then i need to get started on my ravelympics entries...before the bookmark starts tomorrow
Amberdinni loves
16 years ago
my dog...she makes me feel better