23Friends 18Fans
male Second Life, Metaverse, United States
Lukas from Second Life (and previously There & TSO/Alphaville).
- The original TSO Refugee (and originator of the term).
- Founded WebSpinning Design in 2003, There then SL.

2nd Life partner of Syanin Xevious for over 4 years.
LukasThetan is
16 years ago 1
peeking at his timeline on the two month anniversary of his last login! :-P
16 years ago 2
pokes his head into Plurk to share a quick 'hello' with his pals!
LukasThetan shares
16 years ago 4
an overdue hug with all of his plurk buddies.
LukasThetan is
16 years ago 2
investigating It is a mash-up site for all of a web user's various contact information.
LukasThetan is
16 years ago 2
back from his weekend away! He had a great time and got his fill of seafood.
LukasThetan thinks
16 years ago
it's ironic that he is heading to Maine's seacoast on Talk Like a Pirate Day . . . . Avast ye scallywags!!
LukasThetan is
16 years ago 3
experiencing many very "Guilty Pleasures" at the moment. He enjoys Chet's show on Thursday nights!
16 years ago 2
can't wait to see the responses to this list: 10 most stressful cities
LukasThetan wonders
16 years ago 3
if this will be the next SL: ExitReality
LukasThetan shares
16 years ago 1
a song to offset the turmoil as the economy tanks: Fiona Apple :: Across The Universe