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female Second life
Helena Stringer is a fictional character(Tentacle Space Demon from the lost planet of Troii) in a game called Second Life. The Puppeteer of this said character enjoys the freedom of expression of said platform. She creates many things for her store.
8 years ago 3
making all this food, and what does the daughter want, hotdogs
8 years ago 8
homemade blueberry muffins are done, now on to the carrot cake!
8 years ago 3
there is a certain satisfaction to getting egg shells to come right off of hard boiled eggs
8 years ago
pickles, radishes, cheese and cucumbers are done! I feel sort of accomplished. FEEDING AN ARMY TODAY!
8 years ago 5
one of these days I am going to fork over the cash, and get a mandoline
8 years ago 12
been gone due to morbid family situations, not going to go into details today. It is a holiday here in canada, so I am going to just try to have fun.
8 years ago 1
Stomp Stomp STOMP!
8 years ago 14
it's been a crazy past few weeks. Between work, sickness and a family emergency, I just have not had the time for Plurk. glad to come back and see all your halloween names!
8 years ago 8
I wonder what a steampunk high society mausoleum/casket/cemetery would look like
8 years ago 3
LadyLight being all fierce today Free*Style: Office Glam