Rockin Traddy
27Friends 25Fans
male Wilkes Barre, PA, United States
Visit me! You can read my views of Traditional Catholicism within today's liberal church, my own Scranton Diocese in particular, the farm, politics, and other things that interest me.
Rockin Traddy wonders
15 years ago 11
if plurk takes into account that some people have lives and cannot spend all day plurking?
Rockin Traddy asks
15 years ago 3
Did everyone see my little girl at Gettysburg for the first time?
Rockin Traddy thinks
15 years ago 2
Pepsi Throwback is awesome! (applause)
Rockin Traddy
15 years ago 3
declares Michael Mann is the premier filmmaker of our time1
Rockin Traddy says
15 years ago 9
ahhhh! taco bell!
Rockin Traddy says
15 years ago 6
hello plurk dwellers!
Rockin Traddy says
15 years ago 12
over 50 karma! (rock)
Rockin Traddy says
15 years ago 15
hi al
Rockin Traddy wonders
15 years ago 2
Why is being right EXTREME?