48Friends 10Fans
female Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
..I have a life. Oh wait, it's not about THAT?

Well, I'm 14 and I have a life. As of now, I think I'm the most boring person on earth. Yeah. xP

And yes, I am a tree. DX But I'm an oxymoron as well because I write on paper, and that kills trees.
Pipom__a is
15 years ago
15 years ago
declares, "And so the dreaded countdown begins. 4, 3, 2, 1. School time."
Pipom__a will
15 years ago
deplurk. *yawn*
Pipom__a is
15 years ago
ultra glad the Suki Sa has been re-uploaded again!
Pipom__a has
15 years ago
guessed her Quizilla username! x^^
Pipom__a wonders
15 years ago
what my username on Quizilla is...@_@
Pipom__a is
15 years ago
trying to log in to Quizilla but can't. -_- I'm retarded. xP
Pipom__a is
15 years ago
alive! xD
Pipom__a is
15 years ago
downloading Atobe's Gift out of boredom. 8D
Pipom__a wonders
15 years ago
what was given on the 10th day of Christmas.