Lᴜɴᴀʀ Rᴀʙʙɪᴛ
28Friends 6Fans
male Sharps Chapel, TN, United States
Former head moderator of Wankgate
[meme] Sure why not. About to head out to work so I'll answer when I get back.
Plurk karma down to 20. RIP.
https://i.imgur.com/Zr15MrF.jpg I laughed harder than I should have
TFW you're in the library doing homework and you forget your flashdrive
Salsa and chips at 1:30pm is totally an acceptable breakfast. Right?
[dear player/voice testing] Oops Patchouli is back and she's less than pleased. Big surprise.
I have determined that the greatest thing in the world is when it gets cold enough that you can wear sweatpants and a hoodie inside
tfw you haven't logged into plurk in months and now your karma is sub 100 but u still have your emots
[meme] Ask me a stereotype about the Northern VA/DCMetro area and I'll confirm or deny it.
Yo I need a head count. Who's still here?