29Friends 16Fans
male Cilacap, Indonesia
Do not arrogant with other person.
with word other No Man Is An Island and constant spirit inside this be alive
Be Alive That a Gift From GOD''.
aNwaR_MoReSs thinks
14 years ago
kita bisa asal kita mau.....
aNwaR_MoReSs says
14 years ago
dont forget pRay.....
aNwaR_MoReSs thinks
14 years ago
cilacap itu kota kecil....
aNwaR_MoReSs says
14 years ago
semua pasty kan musnah....
aNwaR_MoReSs needs
14 years ago 5
friend in Cilacap
aNwaR_MoReSs loves
14 years ago 19
family and all friend
aNwaR_MoReSs akan
14 years ago 13
selalu berusaha secara maksimal.. :-))
aNwaR_MoReSs rasa
14 years ago 12
no man is an island... :-D
aNwaR_MoReSs sedang
14 years ago 12
aNwaR_MoReSs sedang
14 years ago 13
berfikir tuk jadi yang terbaik.