28Friends 35Fans
male Madison, WI, United States
I'm a geek. A newscast directing, storm spotting, ham radio operating geek.
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thecptrgod says
16 years ago
Is in need of chocolatty goodness.
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
Damn it. Marquette just busted my bracket.
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
Dominic James is in my brackets, screwin' with my pics. But oh well. Go Marquette!!
thecptrgod says
16 years ago 1
Seasoned fries and ranch dressing. Yum.
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
How does one always seem to end up at Denny's at 2:30am?
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
W00t RockBand night!!
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
Jeannie Moos + Colbert w/ pitchfork + AIG will probably = awesomeness in package form.
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
Campus area parking sucks balls
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
Why am I so tired?
thecptrgod says
16 years ago
I am confused. Things in the control room moved overnight.