16Friends 92Fans
female Singapore
im a mega fan of pink panther
loves to have a pink panther plushie for burfday hehe
and love my BIG 'family'
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
The pap lawyer looks like mr luis with specs just that he is shorter.. No offence..
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
Hey i saw somebody with a shock of the new era tee! Oh Em Gee!
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
Have not visited facebook for very long... Anybody haven done the script like meh? Haven print out the science papers.. Zzz.. German hw ...
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
Experienced gastric pain in the afternoon.. My first horrible gastric pain.. Homework is still worse :-)
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
Koi Tea is awesome!
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
I finally finished my maths revision booklet! Woohoo! Now its ERIL and script.. Sianz..
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
I saw somebody's phone writing taecyeon suzy wooyoung.. as the artist.. Guess the question-marked song.. DREAM HIGH! If u get what i mean..
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
Happy belated birthday to mummy! So sry nv say yesterday! And happy birthday to Mrs Tan and Coach!
the_hy_oneXP says
13 years ago
Why must it JAM like now??