39Friends 5Fans
female Singapore
I am a tall &ugly girl. I wans tu be HAPPY everyday. So do de people around miie u be HAPPY too :-) I feel blessed tu hab family & frens around miie (some only) .
theBLURlady hopes
15 years ago
tu go higher nitec !!
theBLURlady says
15 years ago 3
family seems tu ignore my birthday, frens seem tu be busy on my birthday . Dunno how it will be like fer my birthday tis year
theBLURlady says
15 years ago 3
2 more days tu result !! goodness sake !!
theBLURlady hopes
15 years ago
tu make it on tat day of training.
15 years ago 2
BUT, only if we pass den can continue. if fail den sayonara (wave). but training fee will be given .
theBLURlady says
15 years ago 17
i've found a job. & quite good de. but mus go through training first before i can start work.
theBLURlady wonders
15 years ago 5
if escape theme park is open tumoro
theBLURlady thinks
15 years ago
tis year's birthday gonna be a bored one.
theBLURlady is
15 years ago
counting down tu my birthday & christmas. 5 more days (dance)
theBLURlady says
15 years ago
blog updated. view ya :-D