26Friends 4Fans
male ia, ia, United States
I'm that guy who used to be big and blue with boobs.
2 years ago 2
I hate how over 50 percent of references to Jesus or God on the secular internet is blasphemy. It's going to be a hot summer.
2 years ago
Really getting tire of a ton of people making fun of dead people on the internet. moronic that the satanists are burning like crazy and making fun of people makes them feel better. Those toxic social cliques in the sun are damning and makes them look dumb. Are they happy all the good people are now weathered to harassment. sensitive bunch as well. dumbasses
2 years ago
I just finished Space Dandy and the ending had me pissed. I really liked it and the ending pissed me off a ton
2 years ago
I've been bitten by so many Black Widows that sometimes I get help saying and doing things from God and they're like happy accidents. Unless it's like an accidental criticism on something outside of my perception. so much awkward.
2 years ago
you don't know what it's like. a stranger black lady at the bus station has never shouted at you ruefully that you're getting soap. you don't know. you don't. just stop.
2 years ago
why would someone donate expired food to a food library?
2 years ago
Facebook is ranked lower than a fart app on the top chart in the play store
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
dallascowgirlxx on TikTokthey actually get treated like shit
2 years ago
replurk if you want.
phone auto complete.
I feel_____
I feel like I have a big deal with it was a Lazer z and Beyonce and Jay are you doing today I hope you have a great day off to the Bible says otherwise I can lick your furry chest and back to clean up the house and It's I can lick your furry chest and back to clean up the house and It's I can lick your
2 years ago
cops are outside my building like everyday stating a threat. this is fucking sick.