11Friends 66Fans
male Sydney, Australia
Drawing picture, shouting at developers and worrying about stuff that will happen in 5 years. These are a few of my favourite things.
TGChen says
14 years ago
My train just went through the eye of the storm #wishthetrainwaswaterproof
TGChen says
14 years ago
OK Australia Post, you don't like me and I don't like you, but really 5 days to get something from Melbourne to Sydney #Icandriveitinoneday
TGChen says
14 years ago
Another gem This is pretty much what happens to me constantly on the IPhone. #damnyouindeed
TGChen says
14 years ago
Just had lunch at my old office with andy47. #foodmarginlybetterthanbefore
TGChen says
14 years ago
New train, and I mean there is still plastic wrap on the handles. Suspicious #why
TGChen says
14 years ago
Just received a seriously witty and amusing renewal notice from my insurance company. Certainly convinced me to stay with them.
TGChen says
14 years ago
Trains roof appears to be held together with glue. Worried look #cityfail
TGChen says
14 years ago
Bit of a depressed feel in the office today. Must be tuesdayitis
TGChen says
14 years ago
Just found out there's a speeding ticket waiting for me at home #fuckyourtaandyourcameras
TGChen says
14 years ago
For some reason the bath on YoGabbaGabba has an Aussie accent a really bad steve irwin style one #drugsmandrugs