163Friends 11Fans
female Lewisville, TX, United States
Wife, mom, sister, daughter. Knitter, spinner, learning to be a weaver. Love the beach and rainy days. RN, going to graduate school to get my MSN in Nursing Education. Love dogs, reading, traveling, going to fiber fesitvals/events, and knitting wi
texaspurlgurl says
12 years ago 11
hola amigos y amigas!!
texaspurlgurl says
12 years ago 10
topic for today: do you feel self-conscious going into a new exercise place/gym? Thinking of trying Zumba but the first step is the hardest.
12 years ago 4
If next week is the season finale of Downton Abbey is the episode 2 hours long?
texaspurlgurl says
12 years ago 5
Downton Abbey! Who would like a spot of tea? Hugs to everyone today. I am sorry for all of the drama that is going on. It makes me sad.
texaspurlgurl wishes
12 years ago 1
jadee a Happy Birthday!
texaspurlgurl asks
12 years ago 6
BUCKET LIST QUESTION What place (in general) or fiber event is on your bucket list? For me Banff Canada after watching the Bachelor last night, MDSW, and Madrona.
texaspurlgurl says
12 years ago 1
Shout out to rainlover for the Rap! This made my day and made me squee!
texaspurlgurl is
12 years ago 7
having one of those days where I just lost my shit via email at work.
texaspurlgurl wishes
12 years ago 9
Everyone a happy Friday!
texaspurlgurl asks
12 years ago 8
if anyone has the cute knitting emoticon where there is knitting and then they unwind the ball a little more? I just hit 90% on my profile