47Friends 16Fans
female Naga City, Philippines
Hi there, I'm Tet. I'm funny, jolly, and friendly, as long as I'm comfortable in your company. haha :-D
Help me increase my Karma, just response on my plurks. lol
Visit me here
real-things-tet.blogspot.com :-D
tet says
14 years ago
my layout is composed of my three favorite colors haha :-D
tet says
14 years ago
I love my new layout :-D
tet says
14 years ago
changed my layout again :-D
tet says
14 years ago
update (wave)
tet says
14 years ago
there's a possibility that my wound will be a scar because my wound now is color brown!!!!!! (tears)
tet says
14 years ago
hello there (wave)
tet says
14 years ago 2
still worried about my wound (tears)
tet says
14 years ago
deplurk (wave)
tet says
14 years ago
I'm so pissed off with the witch. hope she'll die very soon (angry)
tet is
14 years ago 18
back (wave)