3Friends 48Fans
male Spokane, WA, United States
Author of You Are a Dog (a dog book) and We Are the Cat (a cat book). Pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurk!
terrybain says
5 years ago
look if plurk is going to send my plurks to twitter then give me a downside
terrybain says
13 years ago
So when does Facebook get Plurked?www.plurk.com/terrybain
terrybain says
14 years ago
Wow. I'd almost forgotten about Plurk. Hi, Plurk!
terrybain says
15 years ago
A proper welcome home. ping.fm/vEWHN
terrybain says
15 years ago
Anybody want a Free IKEA Loft Bed? (ping.fm/lGPEe)
terrybain says
15 years ago
So I'm in this book: Twitter Wit: Brilliance in 140 Characters or Less. (ping.fm/ThX7P)
terrybain says
15 years ago
For Lucy Kate: bit.ly/4eXyC
terrybain says
15 years ago
Oh, hi, nick. Look, it's Gawker. (ping.fm/JbN0O)
terrybain says
15 years ago
A serious and moving blog post from my love: (ping.fm/ZrHN2)
terrybain says
15 years ago
Me to 3yo looking through telescope: "What do you see in there?" 3yo: "I see a telescope." He's either way smarter or way asser than me.