3Friends 48Fans
male Spokane, WA, United States
Author of You Are a Dog (a dog book) and We Are the Cat (a cat book). Pluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurk!
terrybain says
15 years ago
It's days like these that make you wish you could sweat.
terrybain says
15 years ago
We are outside. We would like to be let inside, but will make no noise. These people should know when we want to be let in. We are waiting.
terrybain says
15 years ago
The real trouble with bicycles is peddling.
terrybain says
15 years ago
You do not know what a "twitter break" is, but it seems you have taken one. Apparently it has something to do with finding the tennis ball.
terrybain says
15 years ago
We would rather die in the heat than have you brush us one more time. That time included. Also that one. Are you listening?
terrybain says
15 years ago
This is Ellis. Trust me. She's awesome. ow.ly/iDwZ
terrybain says
15 years ago
Score this Threadless #twittertee submission! thrdl.es/~/kHC
terrybain says
15 years ago
Semi-serious tweet: Does Ping.fm link shortening have statistics? I can't find it. gsfn.us/t/adb4
terrybain says
15 years ago
Note to boys: The going rate for milkshakes is $40,000 a month. (ping.fm/b4bB2)
terrybain says
15 years ago
If your media has DRM, then it isn't yours--you are just renting it. (ping.fm/LIXlX)