232Friends 106Fans
male Espoo, Finland
I am a musician specialized in Cuban music, Master of Arts in Education and special education teacher. I work with children with autistic spectrum disorders.
teromakotero shares
10 years ago 2
Ed Tech concepts selectedreads.com/wp-con... #sometu
teromakotero shares
10 years ago 2
This is Great: Goofram - Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time! Goofram - Search Google and Wolfram Alpha at the same time! #sometu
teromakotero shares
10 years ago
Get excited for LibrePlanet 2014! Get excited for LibrePlanet 2014! — GNU MediaGoblin #sometu #mielikuvituskoulu
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10 years ago
Writing Wikipedia Articles: The Basics and Beyond (WIKISOO) a free six week course from the School of Open https://en.wikipedia.org... #sometu
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10 years ago
Open content licensing for educators 5 - 19 February 2014 wikieducator.org/Open_co... #OCL4Ed #sometu
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10 years ago
Open EducationWeek 10.-15.3.2014 www.openeducationweek.or... #sometu #mielikuvituskoulu
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10 years ago 2
Scratch@MIT MIT Media Lab August 6-9, 2014 scratch.mit.edu/conferen... #sometu #scratch #koodaustunti
teromakotero shares
10 years ago
Annotating Paper Books and Magazines without Marking Them Up www.jamierubin.net/2014/... #sometu
teromakotero shares
10 years ago 4
Learn Latin, Old English, Sanskrit, Classical Greek & Other Ancient Languages www.openculture.com/2014...
teromakotero shares
10 years ago 4
Circle-radians.gif http://img.pr0gramm.com/2014/01/circle-radians.gif via Vesa Linja-aho