92Friends 43Fans
male DT Phoenix, United States
Reverential toward a well-turned efficient phrase. Think carved, spinning colorful candles, with inevitable potential for light
... TempleStark.com
Flickr: tinyurl.com/675fat
16 years ago
i just found out the new Oklahoma city NBA team is called the Thunder and can't stop laughing. How dumb is that? Arena football dumb.
16 years ago
new (ish ) female artist - tell me, who's better than Lily Allen. i'm not getting tired of her AT ALL. So, who?
16 years ago 2
black seedless grapes and peanut butter - not as good a mix as it sounded
16 years ago 6
Oct. 5- walking 5k for City of Hope Breast Cancer awareness.
16 years ago 2
karaswims plurk bio is tres fantastique
16 years ago 8
butt-munchers. :-( No idea who my 100th friend was. Thank you oh ton, now we must go for one hundred and EIGHTY (darts humor - I guess)
16 years ago 2
i don't necessarily like shopping-but it's better w/ money.I do like supporting institutions that make a city something else besides traffic
16 years ago 5
bought tequila. celebrating like. drink no. 2 just started.
16 years ago 3
i'm done with after work at-home work early - and enjoying the freedom immensely. it's like the saturdays I haven't been having
16 years ago 7
Spill down oh clouds, Your raindrops cleanse. Such a storm furizes the elemental. Lightning fulfills. Noise. Power. Chaos. Thirst. Amen.