18Friends 10Fans
Great Britain (UK)
A Filipino-Japanese who seems to be stuck in a land that will always be foreign to her.
What am I doing here?
(Image by miz-inthesky.)
10 years ago 3
[life] Grades have been released, I'm scared as hell.
10 years ago
ended up eating much more than she should've. =A=
aru loves
10 years ago
taking dirtnaps. I missed this so much!
aru thinks
10 years ago
Having/had a terrible migraine again, eugh.
aru thinks
10 years ago
Had another power outage, grr.
aru thinks
10 years ago 4
Special shoutout to "whorootbeerdatbe" for my first death to an actual PKer in THREE YEARS. (LOL) Took long enough.
aru thinks
10 years ago
this pizza would be better if it had some zombie par-- oh, no, no no NO.
aru wishes
11 years ago 3
Vera did not go on vacation. =_=
11 years ago
I keep falling asleep for some reason, today.
11 years ago
下げる all you want but you can NEVER crush my JAPANESE SPIRIT.