184Friends 27Fans
female Fairfield, CT, United States
I'm a 40 something mother of 4, grandmother of 1 1/2, who loves to knit, crochet and craft.
9 years ago 1
Off to the dungeon. Getting close to having the dungeon cleared. Have a great day.
9 years ago
Don't understand why on DHs days off I am awake at unreal hours.
9 years ago 3
First time walking the dogs was an adventure. I'm not gonna be able to do this alone for a few days at least. Wish I can go again tomorrow but the forecast is rain & don't think the power-chair will
9 years ago 1
Yesterday is lost. Looking forward to see what can be accomplished today.
9 years ago 1
I've had enough. It's snowing again. I want out of this insane weather. If DH hadn't already signed his papers I would be signing them in his blood. I can't wait for some warm weather.
9 years ago 1
Enough today I'm off to bed.
9 years ago 3
Dear Mother Nature.
Enough with the freakin snow already.
9 years ago 4
Its official!!! DH has signed his retirement papers
9 years ago 3
Back to the dungeon. Just not feeling the love today. I think I should bring some friends with me. AKA podcasts
9 years ago 3
Made it up from the dungeon. DH was impressed with how much I got accomplished. Tonight I will pay the price for all I got done. But there's no rest for the weary. Back to the grind tomorrow.